Monday, May 17, 2010

My Birthday Bonanza

  I had an extra awesome birthday this year as I did a lot.  This morning I went over to Lane's Aviation School where they teach the skill of flying which is something that I have always been wanting to do.  Saw a lot on my tour where Bruce my tour guide was very good in showing me around.  First I saw the very expensive flight simulator computer where somebody could enhance their flying capabilities dealing with several what if scenarios.  One could practice flying at night, one could practice flying in difficult weather conditions and so on.  Pilots can also use the simulator in dealing with a possible malfunction; can they still make use of other equipment that is still operating to guide the plane in a safe mode?  Personally I got a thrill out of looking at the equipment as my picture below depicts:

   Also heard a conversation between a pilot and the air traffic control center which I thought was interesting.  Just like learning a discipline, it is a language all by itself.  Saw several instruments on the panel on a plane that was parked outside and saw a flying map that is used in helping a pilot in charting out ones' course.
  Later in the afternoon I was in the mood to go for a swim which I did but what I did not know that the facility was also equipped with several fun areas like a water slide, a fountain, and a tidal wave area that creates several huge waves.  These pictures below shows the fun I had:

  Before we sat down for some Chinese food, we stopped off at a Barns and Nobles where I captured these two pictures:
 Thanks to everybody I had a really nice birthday.  I appreciate everybody's sincere sentiments!!!!


  1. Glad you had such a great birthday. We're glad you spent it with us.

  2. How could someone NOT visit that water park thing every day?!?!?!

  3. I'm so glad you had a great birthday! Sorry I didn't call on the right day -- but even if I had you probably didn't have time to talk, you were so busy. Happy Birthday!

  4. Wow, you look right at home in the cockpit. Nice birthday! Go yankees.
